The Big Bike Unit is a group of Shriners, formed in 2014, who enjoy motorcycle riding and being part of a very high profile unit. At the present time we have 26 members. Most of our members are former military and active or retired law enforcement, but this is not a prerequisite for membership.
The unit rides in parades if requested or ordered by the Potentate, and at Shriner and civic functions. The unit accepts no money for their appearances, however, if a voluntary donation wants to be made by the requesting organization, it is requested that two checks be made out the Shriners Hospital for Children – Boston and Shriners Hospital for Children – Springfield. These monies are used by the hospitals for treatment and patient needs of the children in these hospitals. Shriners Hospital for Children are a 501c3 tax exempt organization, so any contributions made to them are tax exempt and a tax write-off can be made on tax forms as a charitable contribution.