- May 10, 2020
- Posted by: Joe Stabb
- Categories: Announcements, Tigris Shrine News

Greetings to all of you from deep within SHRINEDOM. Sadly, as I write this, I am reminded of all the events that were set to take place so far this year. Imperial Session, Parties, Balls, and parades filled what was set to be an exciting time for Lady Suzanne and me. The plan to represent Tigris Shrine and promote being a Shriner has been put on hold. Or has it?
During our down time we have been able to work on projects that so often get pushed aside. The next time you come to our Shrine Center I hope you will be pleased with the changes. The walls have been painted and a huge thank you goes out to our Recorder Ralph Haney Jr for all his work. He picked out the color (or did his Lady Anne Marie) and sent me a picture of the test area. I did like the color in the picture but when I went to the Shrine Center to help paint, I got to see just how nice the color fits. With the painting getting done we found more projects that needed our attention.
As with any home you find items that have been kept or stored to never be seen again. These items take up much valued space in our Shrine Center. A clean-up day was scheduled for the Divan with the understanding that we would all wear masks and practice social distancing to the best of our abilities. Let the clean-up begin. We had two piles of things that had to go. One was heading to the dump and the other was heading to the scrap yard for recycling. With our newly discovered space we can organize the items that we use most often.
I huge thank you to Noble Joe Stabb and PP Ralph Haney, Jr for their donations of two 55-inch TV’s. These will be used to enhance our meetings with visual components and used for entertainment in our new lounge. With organization, we have been able to make our once over filled storage room a pleasant sitting area that will be a welcome Nobles and their families.
Our main fundraising of Bingo was brought to a grinding halt with the closing of the State. I had the opportunity to speak with a Moose member and started planning to be prepared to open as soon as the State allows. We have a plan in place to be able to have social distancing by utilize the normal bingo room and our downstairs area. This will give us the space to separate our customers to be following the social distancing recommendations. Right now, there are many unanswered questions, but we will make sure we are ready to go as soon as we are able.
Another event we are excited about is our very own Potentate’s Ball that is set to take place on August 15. Currently the event is a go, but we do know that it is possible that changes may need to be made. So, Save the date and hope for the best.
I am doing my best to call each Noble on our membership list just to check in. I have been able to speak with many of you and left messages for others. If you have not received your call yet it is coming.
Please continue to check your email for links for our online business meetings held monthly on the third Wednesday of the month. We are also having social hours via Zoom video conferencing. If you are not receiving emails from the office, please call to update your contact info.
Please do not forget Lady Suzanne is collect Legos for our hospitals in Boston and Springfield.
In closing I want to wish you all well. Stay safe, love like there is no tomorrow, and give praise to the Lord above. Lady Suzanne and I hope to see you all soon.
Illustrious Sir Duane E Crapser